The Fuji GFX100s produces large image files suitable for anything from online to billboard use whilst being lightweight and easy handling and having used it extensively since it’s launch we have added a body/lens kit to our hire list.
The GFX100s has been a real game changer with it’s offering of 102 megapixels in a lightweight body that handles as easily as 35mm small format camera would. The image files are beautiful for both portrait and still-life use. We have plenty of experience working with all the popular cameras such as Canon, Nikon, Hasselblad, Phase One and Contax but after using the Fujifilm camera we’ve been impressed with it’s versatility. The large pixel count facilitates images being cropped in a number of different formats whilst still maintaining large enough dimensions for any print or online use. It shoots quickly for capturing movement sequences and for such a large format camera tethering speed is good too. The photo quality is great in low light with little loss of image sharpness until going above ISO1600 in our opinion.